I enjoy photography, because of how it makes me feel.
At first for me it was all about the outcome. What photograph I could capture in the camera, how I might present it as a finished image, and also what others might think of it.
I now realise how much more I value the photographic process, whether this ultimately leads to a good image or not. I aim to enjoy the process itself, I look to make images that primarily please me, and in doing so I hope others see something to please them.
Each Series indexed below contains images grouped to a theme, and can be accessed either as a Gallery or Slideshow.
Gallery access includes some background narrative to the theme, and in many cases further details on each individual image (revealed as you hover over). Each image in the Gallery can also be viewed in a standalone lightbox, simply by clicking on it.
Slideshow access is just that - a slideshow of images which you can just click through in sequence. No words, just pictures.
Whatever way you view my images, I hope you find something on here that you enjoy.
Just Add Water
Urban Art
Let there be Light
Bridge to Nowhere
Another Place
Beast from the East
Blue Hour
Bridging the Gap
Built Environment
La Belle France
Not Quite as it Seems
On Reflection
Summer of Sport
Urban Ads